person reading book Worship... Connect...Grow Welcome to CRC Sharing the love of Christ! man praying A Place For Intense Worship Want to know more about CRC? Read More man in orange top beside eyeglasses on brown book It's All About JESUS! Sharing the Gospel of Christ in the community and woldwide Experiencing Christ alone!

Welcome To Christ Redeemed Church

Christ Redeemed Church is a place for the spiritually-hungry to discover, learn and grow in a relationship with God. Whether you are a committed follower of Jesus or just investigating, there’s a place for you to belong and serve at CRC.


Keys to Powerful Living: Love

It’s something each of us wants, but many never find: genuine love. All around us we can see an endless

5 Keys to Fight With Faith

Have a Good Weapon – For any fight, whether natural or spiritual, you need to have the correct weapon. As we see

The Secret to Winning the World

Whenever you go to Barnes and Noble or Borders or any other book store, you will find a section of